Garden Chick - Notes from the Garden

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Time to Garden!

Finally, a few clear days to finish up the garden. It has rained steadily here for the last month. We have the corn, beans, squash, peppers, tomatoes, okra, green beans and cucumbers planted. I swear, I saw those green beans come up and grow overnight!.

My chickens are in the yard daily, and boy have they grown with all the green grass and weeds. They are still small enough to catch by tricking them with their food, but Sunday I am going to fix their pen, and they are going to learn to live outside and not in my dining room. They can really make a mess. The final result is 2 roosters, 1 hen. I am going to have to find a couple more hens to keep the boys happy.

I haven't posted for over 2 weeks, due to a stomach bug, and then into my chest. Thanks for those who checked in on me. I am never sick, and this has really gotten me into a funk! But, I am back now, getting ready to go to Chicago in the morning. I was selected to Pitch My Products at the Country Living Womens Entrepreneur Conference. I am taking along my "Mackenzies Garden Products" and hope the judges love my products. Tomorrow, before I will leave, I will post a new giveaway. I was contacted by Home Depot to give away a 100.00 gift card! Just in time for the summer and Father's Day.

Send me good thoughts!

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Baby Chicks are here: What Kind Are They

Little brown and orange chicks with feathers on their legs. Bantam chicks. Anyone know the name?
My granddaughters and I could not resist the sign that said baby chicks for sale 1.50. Okay, so they can't read. I couldn't resist it. We stopped at a little house where an elderly couple lived. They had a huge garden plowed, about 50 or more tomato plants to put in, and the elderly man said he just didn't garden like he used to! They had peacocks that strutted for the girls, goats, and lots of chickens on this little place tucked in behind other houses. We picked out our 4 chicks three which were two weeks old, and one (because it was smaller and sweeter according to the girls) that was one week old. Next a stop at the feed store for chick feed and a feeder. We had an old cage that had been used for transporting something at one time, and in they went in the back yard. It was a beautiful day and they enjoyed the grass under their feet. They stayed in my office during the day because of the next week of constant rain, and unfortunately we lost the youngest one. An appropriate burial took place at my granddaughters house, officiated by my son. I think it is his turn to take over this practice, after years of me assisting with the burial of dogs, cats, birds, squirrels, lizards..............
Now that they are getting larger, I think we are left with two roosters and one hen. They are little bantam chicks with feathers on their legs. Can anyone identify them?
The feed store is going to have sexed chicks next weekend. The owner said they sold out of the last chicks in two days and says that plants and seeds are selling like wildfire. I think everyone is taking this self sufficiency idea seriously. I want to buy about 3 more hens and think that will be enough. We have a very large fenced in area, but chickens can clear out an area with their scratching in no time. I also have a portable pen my son will bring me, but it will hold only about 3 chickens at a time. We can move this around outside the fenced in area to give them more room. I can't let them roam freely because of neighborhood dogs, and the last chickens we had chose my deck railing to roost at night. Chicken poop everywhere.

Send me all your comments on raising chicks, coops etc, and help me identify these chicks.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Create a Healing Garden

Lemon Balm Chamomile

St. Johns Wort

The current garden project I am working on is an apothecary garden. I want to make more tinctures, oils and salves for myself and for my business , so I have plans to fill it with a number of healing herbs. Like any herb garden it will need to be planted in full sun, and drain well. Any of the mints may need to be contained. Yarrow, and St. John's Wort can be invasive, so I haven't decided if I want to plant in one big bed, or use raised beds and containers.

Some plants I am considering include:

  • Calendula (calendula officinalis)
  • St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
  • Comfrey (symphytum officinale)
  • Lemon Balm (melissa officinalis)
  • Chamomile (Matricaria recutita )
  • Passionflower (passiflora incarnata)
  • Bee Balm (mondara didyma)
  • Yarrow (achillia millefolium)
  • Catnip or Catmint (nepeta cataria)
  • Echinacea (echinachia augustifolia)
  • Aloe Vera

  • Visit for an herbal database, and to view pictures of the above plants.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mothers Day Gifts

For those of you who read my blog, but haven't visited my website, this is a PERFECT time to do so. Great mothers days gifts can be ordered today, and still reach you by Saturday via priority mail. As an incentive for shopping with me, I will charge you regular mail charge, and ship Priority. This mothers day, and for all your shopping days, choose to buy locally, or from someone (like me), who takes pride in their products, makes all the bath and body products in small batches for freshness, and is not an impersonal big box store! I will hand change the shipping when processed as it will show up priority on your cart.

Visit me at
Happy Mothers Day

Here's some great ideas just in case you need them. A great gift basket could be made from these. If your mom lives out of town, give me her address and I will ship there with a note just from you.

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Torchsong Studio 10th and final week of contest!

Torchsong Studio will be hosting the 10th and final week of our blog contest.Maryanne is offering something a little different to close out the contest.A lead-free pewter garden pin with a little glass ladybug charm in the middle and garden tools on either side.Just comment on this, or any of the other blogs participating for a chance to win one of ten pins to be given away. MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE A CONTACT email.
Remember all of the blogs below are participating, so visit all of them and post to increase your chances of winning.
Aquarian Bath
The Essential Herbal
Herbs from the Labyrinth
Patti's Potions
PrairieLand Herbs
The Rosemary House
Nature's Gift Torchsong Studio
SunRose Aromatics

Our final contest - check back on May 8 for the list of winners!Thanks everyone for participating and for playing!

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